How to use MidwestWeekends
Planning a trip? The information you need is a click (or two) away.
It's high time to plan for summer, if you haven't already.
Do you know where you want to go? Remember that MidwestWeekends is not just a newsletter, but a travel library with more than 800 stories about destinations and fun things to do.
We keep them updated, and you can read them any time. To find what you want, go to our Plan a Trip page. Each of the categories and all of the destinations on the map are clickable.
If you want to plan a trip around a big festival, check our Event Calendar. And if you're looking for something but can't find it, try our search box, on the upper right-hand corner of every page.
Within each story, we highlight many words with hyperlinks. That's our way of saying, "Get more information by clicking here."
If you need to know even more, you can Ask a Question or email us directly. And let us know if we've missed a great destination or you have a suggestion for a story. Good luck planning!